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Top List Of Proposal Essay Topics in 2024

Written by Helen Burgos
Posted: May 6, 2022
Last update date: March 22, 2024
9 min read

Regarding the themes, we’ll cover interesting proposal essay topics with solutions, ranging from medical proposal essay topics to even funny proposal essay topics. So let’s get started!

What Is a Proposal Argument Essay?

It is an argumentative essay in which you propose a solution to a problem. It can be written for an academic audience, such as your professor or classmates, or it can be for a more general audience, such as a government body or business.

To come up with a good paper, you need to have a subject you are passionate about and know there is a problem with. For example, if you are interested in environmental issues, you might research the problems with plastic pollution. If you are interested in education, you might research problems with the current school system.

Once you have chosen your field of study, research proposal online themes on the issue so that you can better understand it. This will also help you to find evidence to support your findings. After your research, you are ready to start putting together your paper!

Essay Structure

If you’re wondering how to start a proposal essay and how to create a perfect essay structure, we’ve got you. They have two common structures: the five-paragraph outline and the problem-solution outline.

The five-paragraph outline is the most common structure. It consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you will need to present your thoughts and explain why it is important. In the three body paragraphs, you should provide three reasons why your solution is the best. Finally, in conclusion, you will need to summarize your arguments and leave the reader with a call to action.

The problem-solution essay is another common structure for this type of assignment. In this type of essay, you will first need to describe the problem and then present your solution. You should provide evidence to support your solution in the body paragraphs. Finally, you will need to conclude your essay by summarizing your argument and making a call to action.

Your chosen structure will depend on the assignment requirements and your preferences. However, both structures are effective ways to come up with an outline for your paper.

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Tips for Proposal Argument Essay Writing

Now that you know how to structure your work, let’s talk about some tips.

  • The first tip is to make sure your document is well-written and free of grammar and spelling errors. This will make it more likely that your reader will take you seriously.
  • The second tip is to be clear and concise in your writing. Remember that your goal is to persuade the reader to accept your solution, so you need to make sure your context is clear and easy to follow.
  • The third tip is to back up your proposal argument ideas with evidence. You will need to find sources that support your claim in order for it to be convincing. On top of that, make sure you look for top proposal essay examples in your field of study to get some great proposal suggestions.
  • Finally, the fourth tip is to practice! The more you practice, the better you will become at it. After all, this is a skill; like any skill, it takes practice to perfect.

Picking the right theme is essential. You need to make sure you are passionate about it and that a problem needs to be solved. You’re a person who likes animals? Search for proposal essay topics about animals, come up with a proposal topics list, and go for it. It’s important to select debatable argumentative topics as you need opposing points to counter your own beliefs.

Once you have chosen, do some research so that you can better understand the issue. After you have done your research, start typing your texts!

Now that you know the basics, let’s go over the list of proposal topics for your work or any school assignments related to that.

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10 Environment Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten environment subjects to get you started:

  1. The problems with plastic pollution
  2. The impact of air pollution on human health
  3. How to reduce food waste and control global climate change
  4. The dangers of fracking
  5. The importance of protecting endangered species
  6. How to reduce car emissions
  7. The benefits of renewable energy
  8. The problems with nuclear power plants
  9. How to encourage people to recycle
  10. The importance of conserving water resources

When creating this kind of text, it is important to remember that you are trying to persuade the reader to accept your solution. This means that you need to make sure your text is clear and easy to follow. You will also need to find evidence to support your claim. Finally, practice makes perfect!

10 Technology Proposal Essay Topics

Technology themes are easy proposal essay topics and always evolving. There are always new problems to solve. Here are ten technology subjects to get you started:

  1. The problem of Internet addiction
  2. How to secure data online
  3. The dark side of social media
  4. How to stop cyberbullying
  5. Identity theft
  6. The pros and cons of artificial intelligence
  7. How driverless cars will impact society
  8. The future of virtual reality
  9. The impact of the Internet on education
  10. How biometrics will change security measures

As you can see, there are a lot of potential themes to choose from!

10 Business Proposal Essay Topics

Business writings are a common assignment in business school. To craft a good one, you need to choose a relevant theme that can be expanded. Here are ten business project proposal ideas to get you started:

  1. The pros and cons of starting your own business
  2. How to come up with a business plan
  3. What investors look for in a startup
  4. How to pitch your business idea
  5. The challenges of being a young entrepreneur
  6. How to balance work and life when you’re self-employed
  7. The importance of customer service
  8. How a social presence can help or hurt your business
  9. The role of marketing in a successful business
  10. Developing an effective sales strategy

These are just some of the potential subjects you could develop in a business paper. Do some research and pick one that interests you!

10 Education Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten education proposal topic ideas to get you started:

  1. The problem of illiteracy
  2. How to improve test scores
  3. The high dropout rate
  4. How to reduce bullying in schools
  5. Improving communication between teachers and students
  6. Making school more engaging for students
  7. The role of technology in Education
  8. Homeschooling: Pros and Cons
  9. The importance of sex education
  10. What is the most effective way to discipline children?

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the kinds of papers you can write. Research, pick an interesting topic, and go from there!

10 Personal Development and Psychology Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten personal development and psychology topic proposal ideas to get you started:

  1. How to overcome procrastination
  2. How to deal with anxiety
  3. How to manage stress
  4. The benefits of meditation
  5. The role of therapy in personal development
  6. How to set good goals and achieve them
  7. How to overcome negative thinking
  8. Building self-confidence
  9. Dealing with envy
  10. Overcoming jealousy

The possibilities are endless when you’re looking at the world of psychology papers. So many different topics to choose from! Here’s one idea – what if your paper was about ____?

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10 History Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten history themes to get you started:

  1. How the American Revolution changed America
  2. The causes of the Civil War
  3. How the Industrial Revolution changed America
  4. The Roaring Twenties: A decade of change
  5. The Big Depression and the New Deal
  6. World War II: The home front experience
  7. The black lives matter movement in 2021
  8. The civil rights movement
  9. The fall of communism in Eastern Europe
  10. The end of apartheid in South Africa

History is so much more than just the past, it’s an exploration of human nature. And that means there are all sorts of fascinating themes you can write about!

10 Culture and Literature Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten culture and literature proposal paper topics to get you started:

  1. How the Internet has changed the way we consume literature
  2. The decline of print media
  3. How social networks have changed the way we communicate
  4. The rise of digital publishing
  5. The impact of globalization on culture
  6. How immigration has changed America
  7. The decline of printed media in the 21st century
  8. The role of women in society
  9. Racism in America
  10. Homophobia in America

Culture is a fascinating subject that can make for an engaging paper. There are so many different areas to explore, and it’s up to you as the writer how in-depth your research will be!

Social Life and Social Issues Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten social life issues headlines to get you started:

  1. How to reduce crime in your community
  2. The role of the media in society
  3. How to deal with drug addiction
  4. The problem of homelessness
  5. Domestic violence: Causes and solutions
  6. Elder abuse
  7. Child abuse
  8. Human trafficking
  9. The rise of illegal immigration during the COVID-19 pandemic
  10. Animal cruelty

Why not develop your own social life paper? There are an infinite number of potential subjects you could choose from! Research and pick one that interests you.

10 Law and Justice Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten law and justice high-level but good themes to get you started:

  1. The death penalty: Pros and Cons
  2. The problem of false confessions
  3. How to manage sexual harassment lawsuits
  4. The issue of police brutality
  5. Racial discrimination in the criminal justice system
  6. The problem of mass incarceration
  7. Is our current immigration system fair?
  8. Can you argue that there should be stricter gun control laws?
  9. Should the legal drinking age be raised?
  10. Should marijuana be legalized?

These are just some of the potential topics you could research about.

10 Politics and Government Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten politics and government themes to get you started:

  1. The problem of voter turnout
  2. How to improve the political process
  3. The issue of campaign finance reform
  4. How to reduce corruption in government
  5. The role of lobbyists in government
  6. Is our current tax system fair?
  7. Should the government do more to regulate big business?
  8. What is the best way to handle the issue of illegal immigration?
  9. Should the government do more to protect the environment?
  10. What is the best way to handle the issue of climate change?
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10 Economy Proposal Essay Topics

Here are ten economy proposal paper topics to get you started:

  1. The problem of income inequality
  2. The issue of jobs outsourcing
  3. How to improve the American economy
  4. The role of the Federal Reserve in the economy
  5. The problem of trade deficits
  6. Should the minimum wage be raised?
  7. Is capitalism the best economic system?
  8. What is the best way to reduce unemployment?
  9. Should there be stricter regulation of the financial sector?
  10. The role of the Federal Reserve

When it comes to writing a proposal essay, students can face several challenges. However, with the help of an online essay writing service, students can get professional assistance in selecting a suitable proposal essay topic and completing the entire essay. Papersowl.com provides guidance on researching the issue, outlining the essay, and crafting the final draft, ensuring that the essay meets the course requirements.


So, what are you waiting for? Pick your favorite theme and get started typing proposals with any topic you like! The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to revise and polish your work. And don’t forget to ask for help if you need it – professors are always happy to offer guidance and feedback.

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